Embracing the Seasons of Education
We never thought we would homeschool our kids, but as the years go by, we have learned what it means to support another while they move from a childhood of creative play into early adolescence in an environment that encourages individuality and freedom of thought.
I heard it all as a mother of twins. "It must be so hard!" No, it wasn’t really. "Look out for those teenage years!" Look, yes. Prejudge, no. Over the years of reading teachers in books, forming friendships with others, and listening to my mother’s intuition, I can say a few things for sure.
Be present, observe more, say less, and love deeply.
Every stage brings new discoveries. Education at its best is a way to provide a safe harbor for children to develop a strong sense of self, to follow their curiosity, and to have parents and teachers who never stop learning, growing, and reflecting on their own lives.
As we edge closer to winter, allow ideas and things that are not serving you to fade away, to make room for new things to be born in spring.